SANDAG Forcing Coronado to Adopt Housing Plan

Written by Richard Bailey

The SANDAG Board of Directors just approved the housing methodology, which will require Coronado to allow for 1,000 additional housing units.

A motion was made to change the housing methodology that would have required Coronado to allow for 1,500 additional units. Fortunately, this motion failed.

A second motion was introduced by Solana Beach Mayor Zito and myself that would approve the housing methodology and provide a “small city adjustment” which would have reduced Coronado’s allocation from 1,000 to approximately 450 units. This motion failed 47% to 53%.

The final motion, made by San Diego Mayor Faulconer and seconded by Encinitas Mayor Blakespere, was the staff recommendation of basing the housing formula solely on transit and jobs. This motion also initially failed but San Diego called for a weighted vote which gives them outsized influence on the board and resulted in the motion passing. This maneuver was recently made possible by California Assembly Member Lorena Gonzales which gave more power to the city of San Diego and stripped power from smaller cities.

I’d like to thank all of the 2,300+ Coronado residents that weighed in with letters objecting to the methodology during the past week. I’d also like to thank all of the public speakers from Coronado and around SD County that attended the meeting today and spoke against this egregious and nonsensical methodology.

Coronado will not go down without a fight. We will be exploring all legal options to pushback on SANDAG and the State of California’s top-down housing methodology.

When election season comes around, remember the politicians that voted against local control. Remember the politicians that voted against reasonableness. Remember the politicians that played a role in this outrageous example of central planning at its worst.

Get out and vote November 2020.


Photo by Breno Assis