California Complete Count – Census 2020

California Complete Count – Census 2020
Regional Convening – Region 10
Public Session 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Contractors Only 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Please join us in San Diego!

The California Complete Count – Census 2020 Office invites you to Regional Convenings and Implementation Plan Workshops in Region 10 – San Diego-Imperial.

A morning session will bring together regional contractors and community leaders to continue collaborating on reaching California’s hard-to-count (HTC) populations to achieve a complete count. An afternoon workshop for state contractors will facilitate the development of effective and efficient implementation plans.

State contractor implementation plans, which are due in Fall 2019, provide a clear roadmap for contractors to conduct outreach to HTC populations and will serve as a tool to monitor progress and coordinate efforts.

The following contracted partners must attend, which include:

· County

· Regional Administrative Community Based Organizations

San Diego County

Date: Friday, August 16, 2019

Location: Educational Cultural Complex (ECC)

4343 Ocean View Boulevard

San Diego, CA 92113

Morning Session: REGISTER NOW

Afternoon Session: REGISTER NOW

A complete list of Statewide Regional Convenings is available on our website.

Next steps

· Register immediately.

· Be sure to add Constant Contact and Eventbrite to your trusted contacts list to ensure updates are not held up in Spam/Junk folders.


Requests for accommodations for individuals with translation or disability (sign-language interpreter, assistive listening device, Braille, or any other accommodation needed by an individual) should be made to the CA Census Office no later than five (5) working days prior to the day of the convening.

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration process, please contact your Regional Program Manager. See the contact information below.


Connie Hernandez

Regional Program Manager – San Diego and Imperial Counties and the Deputy Tribal Liaison

California Complete Count-Census 2020


Phone: (916) 508-8504

See you there!