More Taxes Won’t Fix Things

After the new gas tax, Californians are now coming to terms with the fact that they are the most taxed motorists in the country. All this while having some of the worst roads in the country. This is a problem that has been known for years yet despite multiple tax hikes, gas tax included, nothing has been done.

This is a problem that is evident in every facet of California’s government. Despite the heaviest taxation and spending in the country, California usually suffers from the worst of each societal problem. California has consistently taxed and spent more than any other state on education and homelessness yet in spite of this, they have the 47th ranked education in the country and the most homeless.   

One particularly grievous example was when in 2004, the government passed a 1% tax on millionaires to improve mental health facilities. Despite more than 17 billion dollars being raised, in 2016, the independent oversight committee assigned to the project admitted that it had no idea where the money went. Despite vowing to do better, there clearly has not been 6 billion dollars worth of mental health spending.

The problem with increasing taxes is the fact that it gives the government an undeserved license to spend and due to the inherent lack of accountability in government bureaucracy, it allows officials to simply shift money over from its intended destination to their own pet projects or even worse, for them to embezzle it and thanks to the increased taxes, they never have to worry about running dry.


Photo by Jp Valery