Statement from El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells on the Closure of the Migrant Resource Center

Today’s closure of the Migrant Resource Center by South Bay Services serves as a stark reminder of the incompetence displayed by the County, State, and Federal Governments in addressing the border crisis. Despite allocating significant funding, there was a glaring lack of foresight and a failure to develop a sustainable long-term plan. In less than five months, $6 million of county tax dollars were squandered without tangible results or benefits for our residents.

The ill-conceived notion of “If you build it, they will come” has unfortunately rung true, as the opening of the migrant resource center coincided with a dramatic increase in daily numbers of migrants entering San Diego County. The allure of free healthcare, legal defense, and various other amenities undoubtedly contributed to the surge, resulting in over 100,000 border encounters in the past five months alone.

The failure lies squarely with our one-party system in the county and state, which has consistently neglected the needs of San Diego County residents in favor of misguided policies and priorities. As street releases become inevitable and we see an increase in those sleeping at the airport, it will become abundantly clear how our community has been let down by those entrusted with governance.

We will do everything in El Cajon to protect and prioritize our residents’ needs.