Jim Desmond: “Say No to Prop 1”

I stand in firm opposition to Proposition 1, which proposes a substantial $6.38 billion bond issuance. While addressing mental health challenges is paramount, this measure fails to address the underlying issues contributing to homelessness and mental health crises in California. The reason for record amounts of homelessness, isn’t a lack of money, it’s because of failed state policies. These policies have handcuffed local counties and cities from effectively assisting those in need. Proposition 1’s approach of indebting taxpayers for over $10 billion with interest over the next three decades is not the solution.


We can and must do better. We have seen homelessness grow to record amounts of levels, and all Prop 1 would do is continue the same failed policies. Rather than burdening future generations with unsustainable debt, we need to focus on implementing proactive policies that empower local communities to address mental health and homelessness effectively. We must prioritize getting individuals off the streets and into their required support.


I urge all Californians to join me in rejecting Proposition 1. Let us demand real solutions to our state’s pressing challenges and refuse to endorse measures perpetuating fiscal irresponsibility.