Statement from Mayor Bill Wells on the Neglect of Flood Victims by Democrats and Congresswoman Sara Jacobs

In times of crisis, our elected representatives must prioritize the needs of the people they serve. Unfortunately, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs and Democrat politicians have shown a complete disregard for the well-being of our community, particularly in the aftermath of the recent floods that have devastated our city.

While our residents are struggling to recover from the floodwaters, Congresswoman Jacobs seems more focused on out-of-touch issues, neglecting the urgent needs of the flood victims. The lack of federal mobile teams to assess the damage and assist with aid, and her absence from the scene indicate her failure to understand the gravity of the situation.

In my city, we had public works crews working tirelessly to clear storm drains, hauling out over 330 tons of debris to ensure the safety of our citizens. The massive storm required immediate action, and our team responded.

This most recent crisis illustrates yet again that Congresswoman Sara Jacobs is out of touch and not representing the best interests of her district.