Supervisor Jim Desmond Statement on California’s New Law Giving Free Health Insurance to Undocumented Immigrants

Against numerous challenges in California with a staggering homeless population, the highest gas prices in the country, exorbitant utility costs, crumbling infrastructure, while facing a $68 billion budget deficit, the decision for free health insurance to undocumented immigrants paid for with taxpayer dollars is unfathomable.

California is in crisis mode, grappling with a myriad of issues, and instead of addressing the urgent needs of our residents, state politicians are choosing to prioritize non-citizens. This decision is not only incomprehensible but also a blatant disregard for the hardworking people of California.

Locally, the impact is unsustainable, with over 65,000 migrants entering our County in the past three months. The County of San Diego is expending over $1 million per month on migrant services from local tax dollars earmarked for housing and homelessness. Our local resources are meant to address our community’s needs, not fund services for those who have just entered our country. If the Federal government chooses to allow migrants into our country, they should foot the bill. Not our residents.

We have never seen anything like this at our border before, and our federal government is nowhere to be found. In December alone, there have been over 276,000 migrant encounters at the southern border, marking the highest single month ever recorded. Since October 1st, Border Patrol has logged over 760,000 migrant encounters, and in November alone, 17 individuals on the FBI’s terror watchlist were arrested at the Southern Border.

If the State of California had any common sense, it would halt the free health insurance program for undocumented immigrants and refocus on the pressing needs of Californians. It is time to prioritize our residents first.