El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells Statement on California’s Decision to Provide Free Healthcare to Undocumented Immigrants

As the Mayor of El Cajon, I am compelled to address the dire consequences of California’s broken immigration system and the burden it places on our local communities. Our state faces an array of challenges, but instead of focusing on the needs of taxpaying citizens, it is placing illegal immigrants at the front of the line, by providing free healthcare for undocumented immigrants. Public assistance has ballooned to become the second biggest government expense for the County of San Diego, and the trajectory only points upwards.

California’s failed policies have rolled out the welcome mat for migrants and illegal immigrants, providing them with whatever they need. While other states are rightfully pushing back, our state politicians have advocated more of this unsustainable approach. California continues to disregard its tax paying citizens, placing those not from this country at the forefront of our priorities.

Over 65,000 migrants have entered our region in the past three months, not including those who evaded Border Patrol. The County of San Diego is spending approximately $1 million monthly on migrant services drawn from local tax dollars designated for housing and homelessness. This diversion of funds is a failure of leadership and an insult to our citizens, who expect their tax dollars to address local needs.

Our state politicians have consistently advocated for policies that put those not from this country first, disregarding the concerns and well-being of our taxpaying citizens. We must elect new representatives who prioritize the needs of California residents, who understand the strain on our public resources, and who will work towards sensible, sustainable solutions.

The federal government’s failure to secure our borders has resulted in over 276,000 migrant encounters at the southern border in December alone, marking the highest single month ever recorded. We cannot stand idly by as our communities bear the brunt of this crisis.

I call on Californians to demand accountability from our leaders. We must stop the free healthcare program, and we must elect representatives who prioritize the security of our borders and the well-being of our citizens.