More than 50,000 Migrants Have Been Dropped in San Diego County in Less Than Three Months

Since September 13, more than 50,000 migrants have been dropped in San Diego County. The escalating daily border crossings, now reaching record levels, indicate a situation that is increasingly becoming untenable.

Illegal crossings across the country have surged past 10,000 per day, painting a stark picture of the overwhelming challenges Border Patrol faces. The strain on resources, infrastructure, and the capacity of our immigration system is reaching critical levels, and there is no end in sight.

Last week, the Board of Supervisors voted to allocate another $3 million in local tax dollars for migrant services. While I disagreed with the decision, we have now spent $6 million on a federal issue while the problem continues to grow.

I call upon the Senate and House to act urgently and pass comprehensive immigration reform. Our broken asylum-seeking process requires immediate attention and reform. The existing backlog and inefficiencies in processing asylum claims contribute significantly to the strain on our resources. We need a streamlined and effective system that ensures due process while preventing abuse and exploitation.

Our immigration process is broken. We should hit reset and close the border to new immigrants until we fix our immigration system with a safe, orderly, and humane approach for all.