Polls Signal Waning Support for Newsom and California Democrats as Levin Faces Scrutiny

A recent LA Times poll has brought to light a stark decline in Californian voter confidence in Democratic leadership, including Governor Gavin Newsom, as the state grapples with economic and social challenges a year out from the 2024 House elections.

Governor Newsom’s approval ratings have reached an all-time low, with the poll noting an 11-point decrease since February. The data shows a growing concern among California voters, 55 percent of whom believe the state is headed in the wrong direction. The top issues troubling residents include the economy, job market, inflation, and homelessness.

Representative Mike Levin, aligned with Newsom’s policies, now faces scrutiny amidst this waning support for the Democratic party. With the 2024 elections on the horizon, the poll’s findings point to potential challenges for Democratic incumbents as voter dissatisfaction simmers.

The Democratic strategy for addressing key issues such as the cost of living, public safety, and homelessness is being critically assessed as Californians express their discontent through the poll. The results suggest a demand for change and may predict a tumultuous election season ahead for the Democrats.

This shift in public opinion is crucial for Democratic lawmakers, including Levin, who must navigate through the electorate’s expectations and address the state’s pressing issues to regain voter trust.

Californians turn on Newsom one year out from House elections

Gavin Newsom and his California Democrat enablers just got a brutal reality check one year out from the 2024 election.

From a new LA Times poll:

  • “Newsom’s standing among California voters has hit an all-time low
  • “An 11-point slide from February”
  • “Newsom’s decline in popularity spans nearly every major voter category”
  • “55 percent of California adults think the state is going in the wrong direction
  • “Jobs, the economy and inflation, and homelessness were cited as the top concerns among residents”

Extreme Democrat Mike Levin has embraced Newsom and will be forced to answer for Newsom’s worst failures.

“The message Californians are sending couldn’t be more clear — they don’t want the extreme, self-serving agenda Gavin Newsom and the Sacramento swamp exemplify. One year from now, Californians will elect Republicans because they want leaders who will fix the cost of living crisis, clean up the streets and keep them safe.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

Ben Petersen
Western Press Secretary
BPetersen@NRCC.org | @BenNPetersen

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