San Diego County Board of Supervisors Votes to Implement Blue Envelope Program for Enhanced Law Enforcement Communication and Inclusivity

San Diego, CA – September 26, 2023 – The San Diego County Board of Supervisors has voted to adopt the Blue Envelope Program, an initiative aimed at promoting inclusivity and enhancing communication awareness between law enforcement officers and community members diagnosed with conditions or disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder, dementia, anxiety, and more. This program represents a significant step forward in ensuring safety, effective communication, and mutual understanding during law enforcement interactions, including traffic stops and vehicle accidents.

The Blue Envelope Program is designed to prioritize the safety and well-being of individuals who may require additional accommodations or awareness during their interactions with law enforcement. The program seeks to alleviate misunderstandings and foster a more supportive and informed community by increasing awareness and understanding for drivers and law enforcement officers.

Supervisor Jim Desmond expressed the importance of this program, stating, “The Blue Envelope Program is a beacon of hope, promoting safer and more respectful interactions between community members and officers. In our increasingly interconnected world, effective communication is more critical than ever.

Vice Chair Terra Lawson Remer underscored the program’s significance: “Keeping neurodivergent individuals safe is very personal to me, especially as a parent; and now that through the Blue Envelope Program, our Sheriff Deputies and first responders are going to be trained on the best practices for interacting with people like my daughter, this is an important step toward creating a safer, more inclusive San Diego County,” said Supervisor Lawson-Remer, Vice Chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. “I appreciate Sheriff Martinez and Supervisor Desmond for their partnership, and my colleagues for supporting this very meaningful policy.”

The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department has garnered support from the San Diego County Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association to expand the Blue Envelope Program countywide. This expansion involves extending training resources to local law enforcement agencies and distributing outreach materials to county partners and organizations that engage with individuals who may benefit from additional accommodations or awareness.

A range of products bearing the Blue Envelope logo has been developed to ensure the program’s effectiveness. Products such as stickers, lanyards, wristbands, seatbelt covers, and pins have been created for individuals who display the logo on their person or vehicle.

The Blue Envelope Program enables individuals to readily display or present the Blue Envelope logo when in contact with law enforcement or other community service personnel. These branded products may contain vital information, such as the individual’s identification, contact details, or essential vehicle operating documents like vehicle registration and proof of insurance.

Blue Envelope Vote