Senator Brian Jones: A Defender of Public Safety Against Sexually Violent Predators

In the ongoing fight to protect Californians from the most dangerous criminals, Senator Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego) has emerged as a staunch advocate for the safety of our communities and the accountability of those who pose the gravest threats. Senator Jones’s unwavering commitment to defending the vulnerable and holding wrongdoers accountable has earned him the admiration and support of many Californians.

Recently, a troubling court decision authorized state contractor Liberty Healthcare to release sexually violent predator William Robert Stephenson at an undisclosed location in Placer County. This decision has been met with strong opposition from California Senate Republicans, including Senator Jones, who have voiced their concerns about the safety implications of this move.

Stephenson’s criminal history of sexual violence dates back to the 1980s when he was classified as a sexually violent predator due to his heinous offenses. Despite serving 31 years in state prison, he was arrested again in 2017 for possessing child pornography on his electronic devices, demonstrating a persistent threat to society. An individual classified as an SVP (sexually violent predator) is someone convicted of a sexually violent offense and diagnosed with a mental disorder that makes them a danger to others with a high likelihood of reoffending.

The decision by East Coast-based Liberty Healthcare to utilize taxpayer funds to purchase a brand new RV to house Stephenson as a transient in Placer County has raised significant concerns among legislators, law enforcement agencies, and concerned citizens. The safety and well-being of residents should always be the top priority, and Senator Jones has been at the forefront of the efforts to address this alarming situation.

Senator Jones has been a vocal critic of Liberty Healthcare’s exclusive contract to manage the release of sexually violent predators. He firmly believes that transparency and accountability are essential in safeguarding communities from potential harm. In line with his commitment to holding criminals accountable, Senator Jones pushed for an audit of Liberty Healthcare, which the Joint Legislative Audit Committee unanimously approved last month. The audit seeks to investigate the effectiveness of Liberty Healthcare in placing and monitoring SVPs, the extent of taxpayer funds expended, and how the placement process can be improved to prioritize public safety.

Calling attention to the disturbing practice of secretly releasing dangerous SVPs and rapists into residential neighborhoods, Senator Jones underscores the urgency of the ongoing audit. He firmly believes that the results of this comprehensive review are essential to ensuring that taxpayer resources are appropriately allocated and that potential risks to the community are effectively mitigated.

As the Senate Minority Leader, Senator Brian Jones demonstrates strong leadership and determination in his commitment to the safety of all Californians. He remains resolute in his pursuit of justice and protection for the most vulnerable among us. As a respected advocate for public safety and accountability, Senator Jones encourages the residents of Placer County to actively engage and express their concerns at the upcoming public hearing for Stephenson on September 1 at 8:30 AM at the Placer County Superior Court in Department 4.

Senator Brian W. Jones’s dedication to upholding the principles of justice and defending our communities from the worst of the worst criminals exemplifies the kind of leadership that Californians can trust and rely on. As he continues to fight for a safer and more secure California, Senator Jones’s steadfast commitment to the well-being of our state remains unwavering.

California Senate Republicans Blast Decision to Dump Sexually Violent Predator in Placer County

Minority Leader Jones has been a strong critic of Liberty Healthcare, a contractor for the state’s SVP conditional release program

SACRAMENTO – California Senate Republicans join Placer County District Attorney Morgan Gire in blasting a court decision authorizing state contractor Liberty Healthcare to dump sexually violent predator (SVP) William Robert Stephenson at an undisclosed location in Placer County. Read more about the state’s failed SVP Conditional Release Program (CONREP) here.

As part of the SVP release program, East Coast-based Liberty Healthcare announced its plans to purchase a brand new RV using taxpayer funds to house SVP Stephenson as a transient in Placer County.

Stephenson’s long criminal history of sexual violence dates back to the 1980s when he was classified as an SVP. An SVP is an individual convicted of a sexually violent offense and diagnosed with a mental disorder that causes them to be a danger to others with a high likelihood to reoffend. After serving 31 years in state prison, he was arrested again in 2017 for possessing child pornography on his electronic devices.

“Our priority should be the safety of our residents, not the comfort of a dangerous criminal,” said Senator Brian Dahle (R-Bieber) who represents all of Placer County. “Before any future sexually violent predator is released into any community in California, we must review the full audit of the troubling contract between the state and Liberty Healthcare.”

“I’m deeply concerned that Stephenson is being released into the community as a ‘transient.’ He’s far too dangerous to be allowed to roam our communities without 24-hour supervision,” said Senator Roger Niello (R-Fair Oaks), who represents portions of Placer County where Stephenson may be released. “I’m grateful for the attention that Senator Jones is shedding on Liberty Healthcare and their questionable practice of secretly releasing sexually violent predators into our communities.”

Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego) has been a vocal critic of Liberty Healthcare’s long-running exclusive contract to manage the release of SVPs. This year, he pushed for an audit of Liberty Healthcare, which the Joint Legislative Audit Committee unanimously approved last month. Leader Jones’s audit request will investigate Liberty Healthcare’s effectiveness in placing and monitoring SVPs, how much taxpayer dollars they have spent, and how the placement process can be improved.

“East Coast-based Liberty Healthcare sneaks into unsuspecting communities across California and employs a disturbing placement strategy where they try to secretly release dangerous SVPs and rapists into residential neighborhoods,” said Leader Jones. “Our audit of Liberty Healthcare is underway the results could not come soon enough. It’s outrageous that taxpayers are funding a brand new RV for this dangerous predator. He should not be allowed to roam the community as a ‘transient’ given his horrific history.”

Senate Republicans urge residents in Placer County to express their concerns at a public hearing for Stephenson, which will be held on September 1 at 8:30AM at the Placer County Superior Court in Department 4.

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