2nd Amendment Under Attack, Again, in La Mesa

The right to self-defense is our most fundamental right.

California already has the strictest gun laws in the country.

It is illegal and punishable by jail or prison time for gun owners to possess firearms accessible to minors or felons.

Tonight, Councilmembers Dillard and Shu, with the support of Councilman Parent, who tried this last year, will start the process of making it unlawful for law-abiding La Mesans to have quick access to their legal firearms.

This is a violation of our most sacred right of self-defense and our 2nd Amendment Right guaranteed by the Constitution.

I cannot remain silent while my government erodes my freedoms. I hope you feel the same way.

Speak or call in to tonight’s city council meeting

La Mesa City Hall
8130 Allison Ave.
6 PM Tuesday, July 11th
Telephone (Audio only) (669) 900-6833
or (253) 215-8782