Gas Taxes Going up AGAIN!

Can you believe it? As if gas weren’t expensive enough, Democrat lawmakers passed a $311 billion budget that includes a gas tax hike! This tax increase will cost drivers almost $600 million at the pump.

There is no doubt that the cost of living is too high in California. The policy of heavy taxes and regulations are placing undue burdens on families across the state. That is why I introduced SB 1X1 and SB 32 to suspend the gas tax and cut prices by $1 immediately. Unfortunately, Democrat lawmakers refused to pass my bills and moved forward with a gas tax increase instead.

Suspending the gas tax has bipartisan support across the country. Several Democrat and Republican states have suspended their gas tax. Last year, President Biden announced his support for states to suspend their gas tax. California is behind the nation in bringing relief to overly taxed Californians.

I will keep fighting to eliminate the gas tax and deliver relief at the pump.

Let me know your thoughts on this issue by contacting my office or on social media @senbrianjones.

It is an honor to serve as your State Senator.

Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones
California’s 40th Senate District