El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells Stands Firm in the Face of Intimidation, Advocates for Accountability in Housing Programs

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells has recently faced a concerning message from Ryan Clumpner, the Vice Chair of the San Diego Housing Commission. This message contained a threat aimed at derailing Mayor Wells’ political career due to his outspokenness on the housing voucher program in El Cajon and San Diego County.

In the message, Clumpner explicitly stated his intention to exploit the voucher policy as a potential weapon against Mayor Wells in future elections, regardless of the framing. This threat was accompanied by a warning that significant financial resources would be employed to ensure its impact. Despite this crude attempt at intimidation, Mayor Wells remains resolute in his stance on the housing voucher program.

Mayor Wells firmly believes in public accountability, especially regarding the substantial spending on homeless programs. With the State of California allocating an astounding $17 billion toward addressing homelessness in recent years, it is imperative to question the effectiveness and efficiency of these initiatives. Mayor Wells has coined the term “homeless industrial complex” to shed light on concerns regarding the distribution of funds within this system.

The significant amounts of money flowing within the homeless industrial complex have raised eyebrows, as individuals and organizations involved in this industry have amassed considerable political power. The San Diego Housing Commission, for instance, operates with a budget of $600 million and maintains close ties to influential labor unions, governmental entities, and corporate interests.

It is essential to subject the flow of funds to rigorous scrutiny to ensure they are utilized effectively in reducing homelessness and addressing its underlying causes. Mayor Wells does not seek to accuse any specific individual or organization, but rather advocates for open dialogue and critical analysis of policies and programs to ensure they truly serve the best interests of the community.

While the threats Mayor Wells received were personally targeted, he emphasizes that they are not aimed solely at him. They represent an attempt to silence residents and discourage them from asking important questions and demanding accountability from the government. Mayor Wells firmly believes that suppressing legitimate concerns undermines the very democratic values that underpin our society.

Despite these challenges, Mayor Wells remains resolute in fulfilling his duties as the Mayor of El Cajon. He will continue to advocate for open dialogue, encouraging residents to engage in thoughtful discussions and carefully examine programs aimed at addressing homelessness. Mayor Wells believes that only through transparent and accountable governance can the needs of the community be met effectively.

In the face of threats and attempts to stifle discussion, Mayor Bill Wells stands strong, unwavering in his commitment to serving the people of El Cajon. His dedication to open discourse and critical thinking will persist as he champions the interests of his constituents and ensures that policies and programs align with the best interests of the community.

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells Responds to Threat from San Diego Housing Commission Vice Chair

Recently, I received a message from Ryan Clumpner, the Vice Chair of the San Diego Housing Commission. This message contained a threat to derail my political career and prevent my future electoral success. The underlying motive behind this threat was my outspokenness on the housing voucher program in El Cajon and San Diego County.

“Whatever Wells runs for next, whoever his opponents are, I’m going to absolutely pummel him with that voucher policy they came up with. It can be framed in a dozen different ways to different types of voters, but as long as homelessness is a major issue it will be fatal and I’ll have no problem finding the money to do it. I want him on notice. –Ryan Clumpner

This crude threat will not change my opinion of the failed program. Public accountability for the massive spending on homeless programs is critical. The State of California, for example, has allocated a staggering $17 billion towards addressing homelessness in recent years. While these programs aim to assist those in need, it is essential to acknowledge the existence of what I call the “homeless industrial complex.”


The immense sums of money circulating within this complex have raised concerns. Individuals and entities involved in this industry have significantly benefited from the funds allocated toward addressing homelessness. And, they have accumulated massive political power. The San Diego Housing Commission, for example, has a budget of $600 million and has close ties to powerful  labor unions, and governmental and corporate interests.


We must scrutinize the flow of funds and ensure they are employed effectively to reduce homelessness and genuinely address its root causes.


My intention in raising these matters is not to accuse any individual or organization but to encourage open discourse and critical thinking. As elected officials, we have a duty to question policies and programs to ensure they serve the best interests of our community.


While these threats have personally targeted me, I want to emphasize that they are not solely directed at me. This is an attempt to discourage all residents from asking vital questions and demanding accountability from our government. Suppressing legitimate concerns undermines the democratic values we hold dear.


I will not be deterred from fulfilling my responsibilities as the Mayor of El Cajon. I will continue to advocate for open dialogue and the careful examination of programs to address homelessness.


Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pANEDTPZ9bQ

Image Credit Canva