Supervisor Desmond’s Statement on Hillcrest Starbucks Closing Due to Homeless Activity

Due to the ongoing homelessness crisis and the failure of current policies, businesses are closing in San Diego County.

The reality is the 9-0 San Diego City Council, and the Sacramento super majority are pushing the same failed policies that have led to numerous businesses leaving California. In order to help others with mental health issues, we must first cure ourselves and stop repeating the same failed policies.

Here is what Benjamin Nicholls, executive director of the Hillcrest Business Association, told ABC 10News about the closing of Hillcrest’s Starbucks, “They’ve had to remove all of the retail items. They’ve had to remove all of the tables and chairs. They’ve had to lock the bathroom just because of the hostile behavior of a lot of the homeless community,” Nicholls said.

Our city and state cannot continue down the path of failed policies that have only exacerbated the problem. We need a change in approach that prioritizes the safety and well-being of our community members while also providing a supportive environment for businesses to thrive.

It is time to reevaluate our policies. The focus should be on providing a hand-up, not a perpetual handout. We must address the root causes of homelessness of mental health and addiction. Taxpayers deserve accountability for the exorbitant amount of money being spent, and they are rightfully tired of witnessing the problem persist and worsen.

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