Voters Beware: Congressman Mike Levin’s Extreme Stance Endangers Wildland Firefighters

In a shocking display of poor leadership, vulnerable Democrat Congressman Mike Levin has demonstrated just how extreme his views can be. Recently, he voted against a crucial bill that aimed to preserve the use of fire retardant, a vital tool in the fight against wildfires. This alarming decision has drawn attention to Levin’s alignment with extreme eco-activists, jeopardizing the safety of firefighters and the millions of acres of forested land at risk.

The use of fire retardant has long been recognized as an essential resource in combating the devastating impact of wildfires. However, Levin’s vote against preserving its use has left many concerned about the potential consequences. Even more alarming is the fact that an extreme eco-activist group has filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction against this firefighting tool.

Should the injunction be granted, the implications are dire. Firefighters, as well as individuals residing in forested areas, would face grave peril. The absence of fire retardant during the 2023 fire year would not only endanger lives but also put millions of acres of forested land and billions of dollars worth of infrastructure at risk, as reported by Plumas News.

It is deeply troubling that Congressman Levin has chosen to side with these extreme eco-activists instead of prioritizing the safety and well-being of both firefighters and the communities they serve. This decision raises serious doubts about his ability to make rational, common-sense choices when it comes to critical matters like wildfire prevention and protection.

By voting against the bill preserving fire retardant, Levin has demonstrated a disregard for the potential consequences that his extreme stance may have on wildfire season. Instead of supporting measures that would enhance the safety and effectiveness of firefighting efforts, he has chosen to undermine the very tools that firefighters rely on to save lives and protect our valuable natural resources.

The implications of Levin’s extreme vote cannot be ignored. By aligning himself with activists who seek to hamstring firefighters, he has placed ideology before practicality and common sense. This dangerous approach threatens not only the brave men and women who risk their lives on the front lines but also the communities and ecosystems affected by wildfires.

Wildfire smoke? Mike Levin voted to make it worse

Vulnerable Democrat Mike Levin is so extreme, he voted to let wildland firefighters go without fire retardant.

Levin recently voted against a bill preserving the use of fire retardant to fight wildfires.

An extreme eco-activist group is suing for an injunction against this key firefighting tool.

“If the injunction is granted and fire retardant is not available for use in the 2023 fire year, firefighters and individuals living in forested areas would be in peril, millions of acres of forested land would be in danger, and billions of dollars of infrastructure would be at risk,” Plumas News reported.

“Wildfire season could get more dangerous thanks to Mike Levin’s extreme vote. Levin sided with extreme eco-activists trying to hamstring firefighters instead of common sense.” 

Ben Petersen
Western Press Secretary | @BenNPetersen

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