Supervisor Desmond Stands Firm on Border Security: A Strong Advocate for San Diego’s Safety

Supervisor Desmond, a dedicated public servant, has once again demonstrated his commitment to the safety and security of San Diego residents. The recent arrest of an Afghani individual on the terror watchlist at our Southern Border serves as a sobering reminder of the urgent need for a strong border and a responsible immigration system.

Supervisor Desmond has consistently advocated for a secure and efficient immigration process that prioritizes thorough screenings and background checks. He understands that protecting our citizens and preserving national security should be paramount concerns for any administration.

The failures of the Federal Government in addressing the border crisis have resulted in the unchecked flow of dangerous substances like fentanyl, the exploitation of vulnerable asylum seekers through human trafficking, and even the attempted entry of individuals with potential terrorist connections.

While the Federal Government’s open border policy has put San Diegans and Americans at risk, Supervisor Desmond has been steadfast in his stance on the importance of maintaining a secure and orderly border process. He recognizes that a strong border is not only essential for national security but also for preventing individuals with malicious intentions from entering our country.

It is clear that Supervisor Desmond is working tirelessly to hold the Federal Government accountable and push for meaningful immigration reforms that ensure the safety of our communities. His dedication to his constituents and his unwavering commitment to a sound border solution make him an invaluable leader on the Board of Supervisors.

MEDIA STATEMENT: Supervisor Desmond’s Statement on Arrest of Afghani on Terror Watch List at Border

Statement For Immediate Release: May 14, 2023

On Wednesday, I received word from Border Patrol Officials that an Afghani on the terror watchlist was arrested at our Southern Border. This apprehension occurred after the individual crossed the border alongside a group of migrants near Otay Mesa, CA. This should serve as a stark reminder to President Biden and the Federal Government on the critical need for maintaining a strong border.

As a nation, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to protect the safety and security of our citizens. A strong and orderly border process is crucial in preventing individuals with nefarious intentions from entering our country. The open border policy has allowed fentanyl to pour into our country, asylum seekers to be human trafficked, and terrorists to attempt entry into our country.

The Federal Government should focus on developing a secure and efficient immigration system that prioritizes thorough screenings and background checks while providing a streamlined and fair process for those seeking lawful entry.

The protection of our citizens, the preservation of national security, and the facilitation of safe and legal immigration should be a top priority for this administration, yet they have failed.

The presence of an individual on the terror watch list crossing our borders is a stark reminder of the failures of the Federal Government that are now being put on San Diegans and Americans.

Desmond Border PDF

For media inquiries, please contact:

Miles Himmel

Communications Director


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