Congressman Mike Levin’s Support for Biden’s Open Borders Policy Jeopardizes Southern California’s Safety

The recent decision by President Joe Biden to lift Title 42 is set to cause a massive surge in illegal immigration, with Border Patrol apprehending the highest number of illegal immigrants ever in one day. This dire situation has been brought about by the Democratic Party’s disregard for border security, with vulnerable Democrat Mike Levin voting in lock-step with Biden to attack border security.

Levin’s decision to vote for open borders policies has led to an influx of illegal immigrants, putting Southern California in danger. Biden’s plan to release illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States without court dates or the ability to track them is a recipe for disaster. This policy represents a complete disregard for the safety and security of the American people.

Furthermore, Levin’s decision to protect dangerous criminal illegal immigrants only exacerbates the issue. This misguided approach has led to Southern California becoming less safe as a result of Levin’s extreme policies. The National Republican Congressional Committee’s spokesperson, Ben Petersen, has rightly stated that “Joe Biden and Mike Levin broke the border and Southern California will be less safe because of his extreme open borders policies.”

It is clear that Levin and the Democratic Party have failed the American people by neglecting the safety and security of the border. With the current surge in illegal immigration, it is essential that we have leaders who are committed to protecting our communities and upholding the law. Southern California deserves better than the reckless policies of Mike Levin and the Democrats.

Border crisis explodes because of Mike Levin

The border crisis is set to explode as Joe Biden lifts Title 42 today. Border Patrol just broke a shocking record apprehending the highest number of illegal immigrants ever in one day.

Biden’s plan is to release illegal immigrants into the U.S. interior “without court dates or the ability to track them” — the exact definition of open borders.

Vulnerable Democrat Mike Levin brought the border to this breaking point by voting in lock-step with Biden to attack border security. Levin also voted to protect dangerous criminal illegal immigrants.

“Joe Biden and Mike Levin broke the border and Southern California will be less safe because of his extreme open borders policies.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

Ben Petersen
Western Press Secretary

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