SANDAG’s Disregard for Taxpayers: Speak Out Against Toll Roads and Lack of Transparency in Regional Transportation Planning

As voters in the San Diego region gear up for the upcoming SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) meeting this Friday, the stakes are high. Item 10 on the agenda is a workshop-style discussion that will kick off the 2025 update to the 2021 regional transportation plan. But what has caught the attention of many concerned taxpayers is the inclusion of the controversial Ruc discussion and the potential conversion of current highway/arterial road lanes to toll roads. With the 2025 update requiring pilot projects and significant investments in infrastructure, voters are being urged to get involved and speak out against SANDAG’s blatant disregard for their interests.

The issue at hand is not just about toll roads or infrastructure investments. It is about the transparency, accountability, and representation of taxpayers in the decision-making process of SANDAG. Many voters feel that SANDAG has been neglecting their concerns and prioritizing other interests over those of the taxpayers who fund their operations. The lack of meaningful public engagement and input in important decisions such as the 2025 update to the regional transportation plan is seen as a failure of SANDAG to fulfill its duty to represent the best interests of the community.

In light of this, concerned voters are being urged to get involved and make their voices heard. The public comments section of the SANDAG meeting provides an opportunity for citizens to speak out, and despite the limited time allowed for public comments, every voice counts. Voters are encouraged to prepare concise and impactful statements that highlight their concerns and objections to SANDAG’s proposals. It is crucial for voters to express their dissatisfaction with the lack of transparency and accountability in the decision-making process and demand that their interests as taxpayers be considered and prioritized.

Additionally, voters are being encouraged to take further action beyond the meeting. This includes reaching out to their local elected officials, attending community forums, and participating in grassroots efforts to raise awareness about SANDAG’s actions and their impact on the community. Social media, online petitions, and local media can also be effective channels for voters to amplify their concerns and build support for their cause.

The upcoming SANDAG meeting is not just another bureaucratic event. It is an opportunity for voters to exercise their democratic rights and hold SANDAG accountable for their actions. By speaking out against SANDAG’s disregard for taxpayer interests and demanding transparency and accountability, voters can make a difference and shape the decisions that affect their community’s transportation infrastructure for years to come.

As the SANDAG meeting approaches, voters are urged to get involved, speak out, and demand transparency and accountability from SANDAG. It is time for taxpayers to make their voices heard and ensure their interests are prioritized in the 2025 update to the regional transportation plan. With the potential conversion of current road lanes to toll roads and significant investments in infrastructure, the stakes are high, and voters must take action to protect their interests. Together, we can make a difference and hold SANDAG accountable for their actions. Get involved, speak out, and make your voice heard.

Image Credit: Barry Jantz