Engagement in Election Integrity will be paramount in 2024!

Author Judy Rees

One of the goals of the California Republican Party is to educate and train people on how to help in keeping elections fair and honest.  The CAGOP is already fully “on board” with their plan and their Election Integrity Program for the 2024 Presidential Elections.  

As the appointed Election Integrity Officer for San Diego County Republican Party, I am your representative to the CAGOP Election Integrity Committee.  I just attended the Election Integrity Introduction Class with CAGOP Secretary Randy Berholtz, who heads up the committee.  There were 42 people in attendance and soon each of the 58 counties in the state will have an Election Integrity Officer in attendance at our regular meetings. 


  • The Election Integrity Project of California – for many years, Linda Paine and Ruth Wise have been the leaders in the development of the very successful non-partisan, non-profit Election Integrity Project.  However, elected Republican leaders are unable to participate in their program due to their non-partisan position.  Some of the established rules are different such as EIP advocates, surrender your ballot and Vote in Person at the Voter Centers.
  • The California Republican Party’s Election Integrity Program and Carl DeMaio of Reform California are in unison on Election Integrity and concentrate their effort on voting early & tracking your vote!  When no results from the tracking systems occur, vote again, and pursue a strong follow up on those ballots not cured and get them cured and counted.  There will be serious concentration on the operations of the Registrar of Voters Officer. 

The California Republican Party is stepping up the Voter Integrity game this year so be ready for me to provide lots of information and arranging for you to have visits to Registrar of Voters Office in Kearney Mesa, Ballot Harvesting in your churches and neighborhoods and tons of information on ways to make sure yours and others vote really counts!  

Volunteers are essential for the success of Election Integrity and It’s not too early to get educated on the art of learning how to protect our vote for the “election of the century”.    

Contact me at jayare@sbcglobal.net – 619-997-2912


Judy Rees, 

SDCRP Election Integrity Officer 2023-2024
