Issa, Bipartisan Colleagues Introduce Innovative Legislation to Address Child Care Needs of Police Officers

“Allows brave men and women on the front lines to be both parents and police.”

Washington, DC – Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) today joined bipartisan colleagues to introduce legislation that addresses the specialized child care needs of law enforcement officers and their families. The Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act was introduced by Rep. Scott Peters (CA-50), with Rep. Issa, Rep. David Valadao (CA-22) and Rep. Josh Harder (CA-9) as co-leads on this legislation.

“We have a responsibility to provide our police officers with the tools, training, and equipment they need to safeguard our streets and protect our communities,” said Issa. “This bill represents a creative and innovative approach to not only advance law and order everywhere it is needed, but also allow these brave men and women on the front lines to be both parents and police.”

The Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act, authorizes $24 million in funding for each of the next five fiscal years under the ChildCare Development Grant Program, sets aside 20 percent of the total grant funding for police departments employing fewer than 200 officers, and requires HHS to report to Congress the grant recipients, corresponding law enforcement agencies, and employee retention and recruitment data.

Full text of the Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act can be found here.