The Illusion of Tenant Protection: Why San Diego’s Proposed Ordinance Is Just a Band-Aid Fix and Will Worsen the Housing Situation

False Fixes and Poor Decision-Making: Why Targeting Lawful Landlords in San Diego’s Proposed Tenant Protection Ordinance Misses the Mark

As San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and Council President Sean Elo-Rivera unveil their proposed tenant protection ordinance, aimed at bolstering eviction protections for renters who are up to date on rent and abiding by their lease, it’s important to take a closer look at the potential impact of such measures. While the intention may be to provide additional safeguards for renters, the reality is that this proposal is nothing more than a band-aid fix, targeting lawful landlords and making the housing situation worse in the long run.

The proposed rules, which are set to be voted on by the City Council next week, attempt to mirror the 2019 rent cap law passed at the state level, which provides just-cause eviction protections. However, due to San Diego’s Tenants’ Right to Know ordinance, these protections have not been extended to renters in the city for nearly two decades. While it may seem like a step in the right direction, a closer examination reveals several flaws in this proposed ordinance.

One problematic aspect of the proposal is the requirement for landlords to pay tenants at least two months of rent to help them relocate after a no-fault eviction. While this may seem like a positive provision, it fails to address the underlying issues that lead to evictions in the first place. It does nothing to address the root causes of evictions, such as tenants not paying rent or violating their lease agreements, and instead places an undue financial burden on landlords.

The proposal also requires landlords to notify tenants of their rights and to secure permits and provide copies of them along with eviction notices if there’s a plan to conduct significant remodeling work. While this may seem like a reasonable requirement, it adds further bureaucracy and red tape for landlords, making it even more difficult for them to manage their properties efficiently.

The false narrative that there are San Diegans who are great tenants getting kicked out is misleading. In reality, it is the poor laws and regulations that the City Council is passing that are making the housing market harder for landlords. These small business landlords or individuals who own rental properties are being discouraged from renting due to the added burdens and risks imposed by the proposed ordinance. This will ultimately result in fewer options for renters and a concentration of rental properties in the hands of big corporations or large developers who can afford to navigate the complex regulatory landscape.

It’s important to recognize that the proposed tenant protection ordinance is not a comprehensive solution to the housing challenges facing San Diego. Instead of targeting lawful landlords, the focus should be on creating an environment that encourages responsible and fair renting practices on both sides. This means addressing the underlying issues that lead to evictions, such as improving job opportunities, increasing affordable housing options, and providing support and resources for tenants and landlords alike.

As the City Council prepares to vote on this proposed ordinance, it’s crucial to consider the long-term implications and unintended consequences. Placing the burden solely on landlords and discouraging them from renting will only exacerbate the housing crisis in San Diego. It’s time for a balanced approach that takes into account the needs of both renters and landlords, and creates policies that foster a healthy and thriving rental market in the city. It’s time for the government to step up and work towards solutions that benefit everyone, rather than placing the blame solely on hard-working citizens.

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