
In a move to capture the feelings of the 77th State Assembly district, June Cutter has created a much needed “Break Up” playlist for Assemblyman Brian Maienschein. Maienschein has shown himself to be a man, who while dating one Party will two-step onto another Party, just because he is facing problems in the relationship.

We as a community respect a man who will work through problems in their relationship and understands that cheating isn’t a solution, but a coward’s way out. Cheating has been condemned by our society and is not an acceptable act. Loyal people, such as June Cutter, understand this and stands by their Party.

This playlist represents all the constituents who Brian swindled into thinking he was a better man than he is. June Cutter is a trustworthy candidate who stands by her constituents, no matter what temptation comes her way, because loyalty is key when selecting a candidate.

This playlist features songs such as “No Scrubs” by TLC, “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo, and “Cry Me a River” by Justin Timberlake. Each of these songs features the emotions of the 77th district towards Brian Maienschein. June Cutter is running for State Assembly to be a real voice for our community and for California’s middle class.

An accomplished attorney and small business owner, June lives in Del Sur with her husband Ryan, a former Naval Flight Officer, and their two children. She is an “Opportunity Republican,” who believes that California’s best days are ahead and away from that cheating Brian Maienschein.


Photo by Malte Wingen