Stan Caplan’s History of Inappropriate Behavior

Stan Caplan Condemned for Racist Remarks by CARNHA Leaders

The comments made by failed candidate Stan Caplan drew criticism from various groups. The California Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (CARNHA) was an influential conservative group that joined the growing list of organizations that denounced Caplan’s behavior.

Reports indicated that Caplan made racially insensitive remarks to a respected Latina member of the Republican Party at an event hosted by the Republican Party of San Diego County towards the end of the 2022 midterm election cycle. Such comments were not only inappropriate but also undermined the principles of the Republican Party, which was committed to upholding strong conservative values.

CARNHA called upon Caplan to apologize to the member who was the target of his comments and the entire Hispanic community. Furthermore, CARNHA urged Caplan to end his campaign for the 51st congressional district, given concerns about his candidacy and its impact on the community.

The fact that Caplan made these comments at a Republican Party event was particularly troubling, as it sent the wrong message to members and constituents of the party. This kind of behavior was not what true Americans did, nor was it what the Republican Party stood for.

It was worth noting that the California Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly recognized the efforts of the Republican Party of San Diego County leadership and staff for opposing Caplan’s candidacy for his lack of values and character, among other issues. The organization commended their commitment to ensuring that the Party was represented by candidates who embodied the values and principles that made the nation an extraordinary land of opportunity and freedom for all.

Stan Caplan’s comments were rightly condemned by the California Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. Such behavior had no place in American politics, and it was time for Caplan to reflect on his actions and act appropriately for the greater good of the district and its constituents.


San Diego, CA – The California Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (CARNHA) strongly denounces Stan Caplan, who is running for US Congress in the 51st Congressional District. Caplan made racially insensitive remarks to a respected Latino member of the Republican Party in San Diego, CA, at an event hosted by the Republican Party of San Diego County nearing the end of the 2022 midterm election cycle. 

The CARNHA stands for strong conservative values and the values that have made our nation an extraordinary land of opportunity and freedom for all. We do not support candidates who make racist and inappropriate remarks to anyone. Such behavior is not what true Americans do, nor what the Republican Party stands for. 

We sincerely thank the Republican Party of San Diego County leadership and staff for opposing Stan Caplan for his lack of values and character, among other issues. We recognize their steadfast commitment to upholding the principles of the Republican Party, and we commend their efforts to ensure that the Party is represented by candidates who embody these values. 

As an organization committed to promoting the interests of the Hispanic community within the Republican Party, we cannot condone behavior inconsistent with our values. We strongly condemn Stan Caplan’s racist remarks and urge him to apologize to the member who was the target of his comments and the entire Hispanic community. We also call upon Stan Caplan to end his campaign for the 51st congressional district due to concerns about his candidacy and its impact on the community. We urge the candidate to reflect on our problems and act appropriately for the district’s and its constituents’ greater good. 

The California Chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly will continue promoting conservative principles and values, creating a better Republic for all Americans. 

CARNHA is a state chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly, an American grassroots political organization founded in 1967 which promotes Hispanic American issues and interests. For more information visit: 


RNHA Caplan Statement 

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