Warning to Republicans: Stan Caplan Wastes Resources and Trys to Perpetuate His False Reality

In the past election of 2022, the Republican Party made a grave mistake by endorsing Stan Caplan for the 51st Congressional District. Caplan has since proven himself to be not a man of his word, aggressive, and short-fused, all with a dangerous lack of sanity.

Caplan is an unhinged man, and his actions are a clear indication that he is not fit for public office. His attempts to work against the endorsed candidate and the community’s best interests are reprehensible and show a complete lack of respect for the Republican Party, its members, its donors, its volunteers, and its values.

Caplan is an unhinged man who is trying to waste good volunteers and donors’ time and money to perpetuate his false reality. It is essential to note that he is not an endorsed candidate anymore, and the Republican Party has endorsed Mayor Bill Wells for the 51st Congressional District. Wells is a far better candidate and has the backing of local leaders.

It is regrettable that Stan Caplan is not in good standing with the Republican Party, and using his platform to help propel Sarah Jacobs to another victory.  He should see the writing on the wall and should throw his support behind a proven winner. It is important to note he lost by 18 points.

Fortunately, the Party has endorsed a far better candidate in Mayor Bill Wells for the 51st Congressional District. Mayor Wells is a proven leader who has demonstrated his commitment to the community and its values time and time again.

It is important for Republicans in the area to remember that Caplan is not an endorsed candidate and is not in good standing with the Party. Any efforts to support him will only serve to split the vote and propel Jacobs to an easy victory.

The Republican Party must continue to strive for excellence and support only the best candidates who truly embody the Party’s values and represent their community. It is essential to stand together as a united Party. In the end, it is the best interests of the community that matters, not the individual’s ego.

The endorsement of Mayor Bill Wells is a clear indication that the Party is committed to promoting strong, effective leadership in the 51st Congressional District and its community.

Image Credit: Canva