San Diego Republicans Announce Early Endorsements for Upcoming Elections

The Republican Party of San Diego County has announced its early endorsements for the upcoming elections, backing candidates who have demonstrated their commitment to conservative values and fiscal responsibility. Congressman Darrel Issa has been endorsed for the 48th District, Mayor Bill Wells for the 51st District, Kristie Bruce-Lane for the 76th Assembly District, and Assemblywoman Laurie Davies for the 74th District.

Darrell Issa is running for the 48th Congressional District. Issa is a current congressman, veteran, and highly successful businessman who wants to continue serving the citizens of San Diego. He has shown himself to be an excellent congressman through decades of service and has a track record of supporting and fighting for American workers.

Mayor Bill Wells of El Cajon is running for Congress in California’s 51st District. As a healthcare professional, Wells is committed to combating homelessness, an issue he sees as pressing. He has held county officials accountable for “dumping” the homeless in local motels and rejected a Homeless Motel bill that would violate city code by forcing establishments to incur 70-100% occupancy of homeless residents. Wells aims to combat excessive taxation within San Diego and prioritize redevelopment financing and a healthy budget. His city has a remarkable $53 million reserve for city infrastructure and continues to lead the state in city investment. Wells is dedicated to bringing much-needed security and prosperity to California and the nation.

Kristie Bruce-Lane, the party’s early pick for California State Assembly District 76, is a principled conservative who has a track record of being fiscally responsible and fighting for taxpayers. She has received strong support from elected officials, including Congressman Darrell Issa, Senate Republican Minority Leader Brian Jones, Assembly Republican Minority Leader James Gallagher, and many other leaders in the community. Her focus is on reducing high taxes and the growing cost of living, homelessness, crime, and failing schools that are driving Californians to leave the state in record numbers.

Assemblywoman Laurie Davies for California State Assembly District 74 has a proven record of being a tireless advocate for small business owners and taxpayers in San Diego County. She is committed to reducing wasteful spending, supporting economic growth, and keeping Californians safe. She has served as the Deputy Mayor of Laguna Niguel and as a member of the Orange County Board of Education. Davies has been endorsed by many elected officials and community leaders, and her experience and leadership make her the ideal candidate to represent the 74th District.

The Republican Party of San Diego County has endorsed four outstanding candidates who are dedicated to fighting for the values that matter to San Diego’s citizens. They are fiscally responsible, committed to combating homelessness, and determined to prioritize redevelopment financing and a healthy budget. If you are a registered voter in San Diego County, make sure to support these great candidates in the upcoming elections.