An Urgent Meeting

Earlier today, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution of no confidence for Nathan Fletcher and called for his resignation from office immediately. While the Board of Supervisors does not have the ultimate power to remove Mr. Fletcher, this resolution is powerful.

I want to thank all the San Diegans who attended today’s Board meeting to voice their opinion. It’s always great to see constituents who care about local government.

As I mentioned at the meeting a few weeks ago, I completed my yearly sexual harassment training. It’s a thorough process that goes through different situations, and every County worker has to complete it. A manager getting involved with a subordinate is the primary example of what not to do. That’s the #1 example used, precisely what Mr. Fletcher did.

There are alleged crimes that will be sorted out through the court. But Mr. Fletcher admitted to a relationship with a subordinate of MTS. That is a fact. He was in a position of power as the Chair of MTS. Ms. Figueroa was a subordinate, and they had a relationship. If someone did that as a department head at the County, we would have them removed immediately. The same rules should apply to Mr. Fletcher.

He has let his constituents down. He has let San Diego County down. And he needs to resign immediately.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond