California Senate Republicans Stand Up for Human Trafficking Victims While Democrats Protect Pimps

California Senate Republicans Lead Efforts to Protect Human Trafficking Victims, While Democrats’ Policies Empower Pimps and Endanger Children: The Dangerous Consequences of SB 357 and Why Repealing It Is Critical for Public Safety

The California Senate Republicans, led by Senator Brian W. Jones, have once again shown their dedication to protecting vulnerable populations by offering an amendment to repeal Senate Bill 357, which legalizes loitering for prostitution. This dangerous measure removes a critical resource for law enforcement officers to help victims of sex trafficking. However, Senate Democrats defeated the amendment by voting 29 to 8 to table all discussion on the effort to repeal SB 357.

The unintended consequences of SB 357 are clear, and media outlets in the Bay Area and San Diego have been reporting on its detrimental impact. Civil rights activists have expressed their concern for the lives of children who are at stake. Yet, California Senate Democrats refuse to take action, putting the interests of criminals before those of victims.

While Democrats only talk about protecting women, California Senate Republicans are the ones taking concrete steps to ensure that everyone is safe and protected. The failed public safety agenda of California Democrats only looks good on paper, but in reality, their policies hurt victims.

Senator Brian W. Jones and his Republican colleagues have once again demonstrated their commitment to serving their constituents and protecting the most vulnerable populations. It’s time for Senate Democrats to put their political agenda aside and work together with Republicans to create policies that truly benefit everyone in California.

California Senate Democrats Say ‘No Way’ on Effort to Repeal Legislation that Protects Pimps, Hurts Human Trafficking Victims

SACRAMENTO – Today, Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego) offered an amendment to repeal Senate Bill 357 (2022, Wiener), which legalizes loitering for prostitution. This dangerous measure removes a critical resource for law enforcement officers to help victims of sex trafficking. Senate Democrats defeated the amendment by voting 29 to 8 to table all discussion on the effort to repeal SB 357.

“Democrat lawmakers once again are all talk and no action when it comes to protecting women. California Senate Republicans gave them an opportunity to reverse the unintended consequences of a bad law that empowers pimps and hurts human trafficking victims. Sadly, Senate Democrats wouldn’t even allow a vote or debate on the measure with no explanation,” said Leader Jones. “The proof of this law’s failures is clear. This is just another example of California Democrat politicians putting criminals before victims with their failed public safety agenda.”

SB 357 took nine months for Governor Newsom to sign into law after it was passed in 2021. When the governor finally signed SB 357 into law in 2022, he did so with a warning that his administration would “monitor crime and prosecution trends for any possible unintended consequences and will act to mitigate any such impacts.”

Media outlets in the Bay Area and San Diego have been reporting on the unintended consequences of SB 357. A civil rights activist told one media outlet, “I saw what happened in Oakland, this problem is showing its head across the state,” said Shane Harris, the president of a California-based civil rights organization. “We are very concerned that children’s lives are at stake.”


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