Supervisor Jim Desmond Fights for Community Safety Against Sexually Violent Predator Placement in Borrego Springs and San Diego County

Supervisor Jim Desmond has taken a bold stand against the placement of Sexually Violent Predators in the community of Borrego Springs and in San Diego County as a whole. His efforts in bringing to light the devastating effects that the placement of these predators can have on the community are commendable.

The Supervisor’s recent statement regarding the placement of Douglas Badger, a convicted sex offender with a history of violence, reflects his deep concern for the safety and well-being of the families in Borrego Springs. He understands that there is no place for these abominable criminals in any community and is committed to exploring every option to fight this placement and prevent similar ones from happening in the future.

As a supervisor, Desmond has been vocal in his opposition to the placement of Sexually Violent Predators in the community. He recognizes that these individuals pose a significant threat to the safety of the community, and his efforts to bring attention to this issue are commendable.

Desmond’s concerns are not unfounded. Sexually Violent Predators are individuals who have been convicted of violent sex crimes and are deemed likely to reoffend. The placement of such individuals in a community can have devastating effects, especially on vulnerable populations like children and the elderly.

Desmond’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the community is evident in his actions. He has been vocal in his opposition to the placement of these predators, and he is actively exploring all options to prevent future placements. His efforts in this are a testament to his leadership and his dedication to serving the community.

Supervisor Jim Desmond’s efforts in bringing to light the detrimental effects of the placement of Sexually Violent Predators in the community are commendable. His unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the community is evident in his actions, and his efforts to prevent future placements are a testament to his leadership. San Diego County is fortunate to have such a dedicated and passionate leader fighting for their safety and well-being.

Supervisor Desmond: “Sexually Violent Predator Placement in Borrego Springs is Devastating for Community & San Diego County.”

I was just made aware of a judge’s decision to place Sexually Violent Predators Douglas Badger in Borrego Springs. I’m extremely disappointed in the judge’s decision. There’s no place in Borrego Springs, or anywhere, for these abominable criminals to be placed. I’m going to look at every option to continue to fight this placement, and to ensure these placements are stopped. This is devastating for the families of Borrego Springs and especially the home-schooled family with two deaf children that live right across the street.

Sexually Violent Predators are the worst of the worst. To be classified by the state as a sexually violent predator a person must have been convicted of a violent sex crime against at least one victim and be diagnosed with a condition that makes that person likely to re-offend. Douglas Badger has been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and sexual sadism.

Desmond Borrego Letter

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