California Senate Democrats Reject Measure to Lower Gas Prices, Advance Hidden Gas Tax

SACRAMENTO – Today, Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego) made a motion to have his bill to lower the cost of gas by $1 per gallon, Senate BillX1-1, be considered on the Senate Floor. California Senate Democrats rejected the measure using a parliamentary trick as they refused to even have a debate or vote on it.

“Governor Newsom wants to spend $10 million to allow unelected bureaucrats to raise gas taxes as the state faces at least a $22.5 billion budget deficit,” said Leader Jones. “While the governor pushes through his measure, it only seemed logical and fair to debate my alternative solution that will actually lower the price of gas by $1 per gallon. To no surprise, California Senate Democrats do the governor’s bidding by rejecting my measure and passing the inevitable gas tax increase. The agenda’s not hidden here. Every day hardworking Californians, who will be affected most by this gas tax increase, aren’t fooled by the governor’s smoke and mirrors.”

California Senate Democrats jammed through the governor’s proposal as SBX1-2, which allows the California Energy Commission, conveniently appointed by the governor, to decide fines on gasoline companies. This measure will ultimately impact supply and demand and create a ripple effect that creates higher prices at the pump, just as gas prices are approaching $5 per gallon in California.

“Drivers here pay $1.40 more than the national average,” Senate Minority Caucus Chair Janet Nguyen (R-Huntington Beach) pointed out. “We need solutions that work, not another bureaucratic agency determining how much drivers pay for gasoline. Furthermore, SBX1-2 does nothing to ease the intensifying financial burden on Californians.”

While California Senate Democrats dismissed SBX1-1 during today’s special session, Leader Jones said he will continue to fight to lower gas prices and has introduced Senate Bill 32, with the support of the entire California Senate Republican Caucus, in the body’s regular session that lowers gas prices by $1 per gallon. SB 32 is double referred to first the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and then to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee with no hearing date set.

“The fight is far from over,” Senator Nguyen continued. “California Senate Republicans continue to work on ways to cut costs because families cannot afford anymore inaction on this issue.”