Democratic Leadership Silent on Homeless Program Oversight After Underage Girl Molested in Motel 6

Scott Sherman’s Leadership on Homeless Program Oversight Brings Awareness to Critical Issue

A Noteworthy perspective from the news this week is from former Councilman Scott Sherman for speaking out against the lack of accountability and oversight within San Diego County’s homeless program, which led to the tragic molestation of an underage girl in a Motel 6 in El Cajon. By highlighting the connection between the program’s lack of oversight and the increase in criminal activity, Sherman is shining a light on a serious issue that requires immediate attention. His vocal opposition to the program has been critical in raising awareness about the potential dangers of funding homeless individuals’ stays in motels and the need for greater accountability in such programs.

However, it is disappointing that the Democratic leadership has remained silent on this matter. The lack of accountability and oversight within the county’s homeless program is a failure of leadership that has put the safety of nearby residents and business owners at risk. Democrats need to take responsibility for their role in allowing this program to continue without adequate oversight and ensure that steps are taken to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. The tragic molestation of an underage girl in a taxpayer-funded motel should be a wake-up call for all leaders to prioritize accountability and oversight in all government-funded programs.

Scott Sherman: Motel 6 molestation happened because of “lack of accountability and oversight”


SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – Over the weekend, an underage girl was allegedly molested by two homeless sex offenders in a Motel 6 in El Cajon.

The homeless men were staying in the taxpayer funded room, as part of a controversial San Diego County homeless program.

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells has voiced his opposition to the program since its inception, as the county has mainly used motels in his city for the shelters.

As a result of the homeless living in these taxpayer funded places, criminal activity has spiked, and nearby residents and business owners are worried for their safety.

This alleged molestation is one of the most tragic and disturbing acts that has been reported, but our Democrat leadership has been silent, but Republicans have been expressing their outrage.

San Diego GOP spokesperson, Scott Sherman, says incidents like this are happening because of a “lack of accountability and oversight.”

Sherman joined KUSI’s Paul Rudy on Good Morning San Diego to discuss the horrible act and what can be done in the future to prevent this from happening again.

Original Article Link: Scott Sherman: Motel 6 molestation happened because of “lack of accountability and oversight” – (