Mayor Bill Wells: “County Hotel Voucher Program Allows Two Sex Offenders to Commit Crimes in Program.”

On Friday evening, local law enforcement officers arrested two men for child molestation in a Motel 6 located in El Cajon. Both men are registered sex offenders and one of the men was staying at the Motel 6 under the County’s homeless voucher program through PATH (People Assisting the Homeless).

This is a disturbing and appalling incident that lays squarely at the feet of San Diego County Supervisors Fletcher and Vargas along with California’s State Attorney, Rob Bonta.” said Wells. “Ever since this the implementation of the hotel voucher program, our community has seen an increase of crime, while worthless politicians have continued to disregard the safety of the community.”

According to the PATH client, his friend, who is also a registered sex offender, brought a 13- to 16-year-old girl to the motel. The friend allegedly had sexual intercourse with the victim, while the PATH client reportedly orally copulated her. The incident was recorded on a phone, which is now in the possession of the authorities as evidence. The second man was staying at a Days Inn in San Diego, and it is unclear at this point whether he was also staying there under a voucher program.

“Our law enforcement officials are taking this case very seriously, and we are working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure that justice is served,” said Wells. “We want to reassure the community that we will do everything in our power to ensure that such incidents do not occur again.”

During the interrogation, both men confessed to having sexual relations with multiple girls under the age of 18 over the past two weeks.