San Diego Unified Trustee Makes Rare Rebuke of Superintendent Over Lincoln High

San Diego Unified Superintendent Cindy Marten and school board President Sharon Whitehurst-Payne have found common ground in the past regarding Marten’s future leading the district.

However, Whitehurst-Payne recently stated that she does not believe that Martin is deserving of a contract extension. She was the only person to stand against extending Marten’s contract through 2023. Whitehurst-Payne states, “Getting Lincoln High School right has to be the district’s No. 1 priority.’’ Whitehurst-Payne is intent on a more comprehensive and coordinated Lincoln High School that mirrors the success of other schools in the district. 

Even after getting a new $129 million campus, Lincoln High School has continued to struggle with safety, academics, and enrollment, as well as having a dropout rate three times higher than the district average. 

Although promise after promise has been made to improve the school, there has been little improvement. The prior principal was released the day after this past school year ended. Stephanie Brown, former principal at Montgomery middle school, has been selected to take over as the new principal of Lincoln High School.

In 2013, Marten’s first year as superintendent, she wanted to set Lincoln on a new path. But to her dismay, her multiple visits to campus and meetings with principals have yet to change Lincoln for the better. 

Despite all of this, the board approved Marten’s three-year extension by a 3-1 vote and it could be extended again next year. 


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon