Compassionately Clear Homeless Encampments in California

It’s unacceptable that our kids are being exposed to open drug use on our streets because the state is failing to act on homelessness. This crisis continues to spiral out of control.

I’m proud to introduce Senate Bill 31, which will protect our kids by compassionately clearing homeless encampments near schools, daycare centers, libraries, and parks. The bill compassionately connects impacted homeless individuals with desperately needed services. You can learn more about SB 31 in my op-ed here.

SB 31 balances accountability with compassion and is a critical step toward tackling California’s homelessness crisis. That’s why many of my Democrat and Republican colleagues have expressed their support for the bill.

I need your help to get this bill passed. We are facing an uphill battle against the Senate Public Safety Committee and pro-homeless encampment special interests.

We are circulating a petition to show the committee the strong support for the bill among everyday Californians like you!

Click HERE to sign the petition in support of SB 31 and tell Sacramento to CLEAN UP OUR STREETS.

Please take a moment to sign our petition and share it with your friends and family. Want to do more? Click HERE to send a tweet to the Senate Public Safety Committee Chair and urge her to pass SB 31.

It is an honor to serve as your State Senator.

Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones
California’s 40th Senate District