Congressman Scott Peters Joins the Bandwagon of Impeachment

Written by Della Link

Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA) in June came out in support of the idea of impeaching Trump. Scott Peters is a senior congressman who has shown himself to be no better than the swamp monsters in D.C. He has lost popularity with his constituents for his stances on the Green New Deal and Medicare for all and has made a desperate leap for political gain.

The congressman announced his call for impeachment over twitter.

In a letter he sent to me when I contacted him on this subject he replied with, “Last year I received over 55,000 calls, emails, and letters from constituents across the district on a wide range of issues.” A congressman who is facing so many problems in his district decided that calling for impeachment takes precedence over actually fixing real issues.

Peters is a politician who has shown himself to do what is better for him politically while not minding if it hurts his constituents. President Trump has set record lows for unemployment, while Peter’s district bolsters a higher unemployment rate than the national average while having a more educated district than the national average.

A politicians job is to put his constituents first and to do what’s best for the community. In July, NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll found 21 percent of registered voters think “there is enough evidence for Congress to begin impeachment hearings now,” while another 27 percent says Congress should look for more evidence before doing that, and 50 percent opposes any impeachment hearings.

Our voters have spoken against impeachment and just because he continues to play politics, Peters calls for impeachment.


Photo by Jon Tyson