Mileage-tax vote

Tomorrow night, Tuesday the 28th at 5:30 pm, Councilmember Katie Melendez has orchestrated a takeover of Vista’s seat on the San Diego Association of Governments or SANDAG, because she supports the 5 cent per-mile driving tax, and I oppose it.

She opposes new highway infrastructure, like the Carpool lanes on Highway 78 that we’ve paid for since 1980. She’s said she won’t approve a single mile of new lanes for cars, and has even called for the elimination of the “Single Occupancy Vehicle.”

You can’t make this stuff up. Take a look at the video, which includes quotes from Melendez supporting the “Road User Charge,” opposing, “widening 78,” and calling for the elimination of YOUR car!

At tomorrow’s Council meeting, Melendez might succeed in removing me from SANDAG. It’s urgent you take action, now.

Email your councilmember today, tell them to send the Mayor to SANDAG and to oppose the “mileage-tax.”

Corrina Contreras, District 1
Joe Green, District 2
Katie Melendez, District 3
Dan O’Donnell, District 4
Which district do I live in?



John Franklin
City of Vista, California
Cell: (760) 689-2220

Take the Survey:

Should Mayor Franklin be Vista’s SANDAG Representative because he opposes the 5 cent per-mile driving tax, and because he supports our highway infrastructure, or should Councilmember Melendez represent Vista because she supports the driving tax and opposes new highway infrastructure?