Climate Action Plans Strike Again

CBS 8 will be at 8135 El Paso Street Monday at 11 a.m. covering plans to build a Battery Storage Facility in this La Mesa neighborhood.

It appears a North La Mesa neighborhood will be the future site of an SDG&E Battery Storage Facility containing high-voltage electrical equipment emitting tonal humming and buzzing 24/7.

Neighbors are worried about the high-decibel sound, the looks, the negative impact on their property values, and potential battery hazards such as fire, explosions, and toxic gasses.

In the short run, the City of La Mesa and SDG&E should not be imposing this kind of harm on any La Mesa neighborhood.

In the long run, people and elected officials need to start rejecting Climate Action Plans. The Green New Deal is going to impoverish millions, decimate the middle class, and weaken our state and country while enriching and strengthening China who sells us solar panels, wind turbines, car batteries, etc. while they continue using coal and fossil fuels unabated.