The California Taxpayer Protection Initiative Qualifies for Statewide Ballot Vote

Sacramento, CA – The California Secretary of State’s office has officially announced that the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative has qualified for a public vote on the statewide ballot. The landmark state constitutional amendment has been made possible through the tireless efforts of Republicans and tens of thousands of volunteers who collected over 1.4 million signatures with Reform California.

Despite the remarkable achievement, the fight is far from over. California politicians have already raised millions in special interest money to defeat the initiative, recognizing its potential to end their tax-hiking reign. The California Taxpayer Protection Initiative would restore a two-thirds vote for any tax hike, impose a stricter definition on what is considered a “tax”, require the words “tax increase” to be included in the official title of any measure containing a tax hike, and repeal dozens of tax hikes imposed after January 1, 2022, saving taxpayers money immediately.

Reform California, the organization behind the initiative, is asking everyone to contribute to their YES CAMPAIGN to help ensure the measure’s success. With the recent revelation that California politicians imposed over $4.5 billion in hidden state taxes on electric and gas utility bills, the organization is working with its lawyers to determine how the initiative can invalidate these extra charges and save ratepayers immediately.

Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California, said, “With the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative now on the statewide ballot, we have an opportunity to end the constant tax hikes in California. But we need your immediate help to wage the campaign we need to win the YES VOTE. Please contribute whatever you can today to the fight for fair taxation in California.”

To contribute securely to the YES CAMPAIGN for the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative, please visit Reform California’s official website.