Issa, Bost Lead Bicameral Legislation to Cap Attorney Fees for Camp Lejeune Victims

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet, and Congressman Mike Bost (IL-12), Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee introduced the Protect Camp Lejeune Victims Ensnared by Trial-lawyers’ Scams (VETS) Act. The legislation would limit the fees attorneys can charge veterans and families seeking awards under the Camp Lejeune federal cause of action. Reps. Issa and Bost were joined by Senators Dan Sullivan (R-AK), who introduced the bill in the Senate, along with Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and seven other Senate cosponsors.

“While measures have been taken on behalf of veterans affected by the water crisis at Camp Lejeune, it has also opened the door for unscrupulous attorneys to prey on desperate victims and engage in rampant lawsuit abuse,” said Rep. Issa. “If not prevented, millions of dollars could go to predatory law firms rather than deserving service members and their loved ones. That’s why I’m thankful for the leadership of Rep. Bost and Sen. Sullivan and proud to join my colleagues in both houses of Congress to advance this crucial legislative solution. It’s time to put Marines and their families first.”

“Our Camp Lejeune veterans and their families have put up with enough,” said Chairman Bost. “As a Marine Corps veteran, I am grateful to two of my fellow veterans, Rep. Darrell Issa and Senator Dan Sullivan, for leading the Protect Camp Lejeune VETS Act this Congress to cap attorney fees at a reasonable rate, and safeguard Camp Lejeune veterans from predatory law firms. No veteran family who was affected by the Camp Lejeune water contamination crisis should have to endure unjustly high legal fees to simply have their day in court.”

The previously passed Honoring Our PACT Act established the ability for any individuals affected by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 to sue the United States for health damages. The legislation introduced by Reps. Issa and Bost and Senator Sullivan would prohibit attorneys from charging more than 12 percent of a settlement or more than 17 percent of a trial award in these suits to protect veterans from predatory legal firms and fees.

“In my 8 years in the U.S. Senate, there are few issues I’ve been involved with that more desperately cry out for a just resolution,” said Sen. Sullivan. “Worst of all, the Biden Justice Department warned the Congress that, without a cap, predatory law firms could grab the lion’s share of these judgments and leave Marines and their family members with crumbs. This is an outrage—all Americans know it, all senators know it. My Republican colleagues and I have tried to remedy the situation multiple times, but some Democrats worked to block those efforts. It’s outrageous. With the bicameral legislation we are introducing, our colleagues will once again have an opportunity to protect these courageous service members who’ve served and sacrificed to protect all of us. The time to act is now. Let’s all have a little courage, like the Marines who need our help, and pass this important legislative fix.”

“Our armed service members deserve our enduring thanks. We’ve been working for years to ensure those who’ve been harmed by the contamination at Camp Lejeune are taken care of, but predatory trial lawyers have swooped in to take for themselves what ought to be going to individuals and families affected. This legislation will cap what these lawyers can charge families, so the benefits get where they’re supposed to, while still ensuring good lawyers are willing to take victims’ cases,” Senator Grassley said.

“Generations of brave Kentuckians joined the U.S. Marines to protect and defend our nation, only to ingest contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune and suffer debilitating lifelong illnesses as a consequence. These heroes deserve justice – and deserve protection from predatory trial lawyers,” said Senator McConnell. “I’m proud to join with Senator Sullivan and cosponsor the Protect Camp Lejeune VETS Act. This legislation was designed to support sick veterans, not enrich greedy lawyers.”

“With the passage of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, veterans and their families were finally able to pursue legal action against the government for their exposure to toxic contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. After decades of waiting, and suffering the realities of life-threatening medical conditions, they were bombarded by advertisements from unscrupulous law firms charging exorbitant fees. We commend Senator Sullivan, Chairman Bost, and Congressman Issa for their leadership on this issue and correcting this injustice by introducing legislation that caps legal fees at a reasonable amount to ensure our veterans and their families are not taken advantage of,” said Chanin Nuntavong, executive director for the American Legion.

Veterans and their families with questions or who want to report fraud can contact the Department of Justice through the dedicated CLJA hotline (202-353-4426) and email box (