Democrats Neglect and Broken Promises in Mount Hope: A Community’s Struggle for a Safe Playground and Better Quality of Life

Residents in the southeast San Diego neighborhood of Mount Hope are frustrated and feeling neglected after the playground in the area, named after Black activist Dennis V. Allen, burned down over a year ago and has yet to be repaired. This park has been a source of community for the area, which is identified as a “community of concern” by the city, but has also been the site of gang activity and gun violence.

The city plans to replace the playground equipment by spring 2023 and add a recreation center, parking lot, and other amenities to the park, but plans are in the early stages of development. This lack of action highlights the larger issue of the city neglecting communities like Mount Hope, which have higher poverty, air pollution, poor pedestrian conditions, and worse health outcomes than other communities in San Diego.

The residents in Mount Hope have been asking for a recreation center for decades, but the city has dedicated fewer resources to the area compared to other communities. This lack of investment has contributed to the crime in the area and the rise of gang activity.

This is yet another example of how Democrat politicians make promises to get in office but neglect the voters who got them there. They focus on bringing public transportation and amenities to the coasts and “white” neighborhoods while ignoring historically black and ethnic neighborhoods. It’s time for these politicians to be held accountable and address the real needs of these communities. The people of Mount Hope deserve a safe and functional playground where they can gather and make memories.