SDG&E Sticker Shock Hits a Nerve

Before you open your January SDG&E bill, pull up a chair or have a mattress on the floor to break your fall. Your bill will have doubled from January of last year. I blame California’s delusional and destructive war on affordable energy, otherwise known as Climate Action Plans.

Newsom and Company have declared natural gas an enemy of earth and we are paying the price with homes cold in the winter, hot in the summer, high prices at the pump, and groceries so expensive, chicken is the new filet mignon.

The City of La Mesa invests 5,700 annual hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars in Climate Action Plans. Results are not measured by a cooler planet, lower sea levels, or fatter polar bears, success is measured by feel-good videos, painted bike lanes on busy streets, and EV Charging Stations.

We’re just starting to feel the self-inflicted pain of California’s pursuit of Net Zero Carbon Emissions. The cost of living will keep increasing, gas cars and appliances will be banned, the public will be urged to cut back on energy use to avoid rolling blackouts and our communities will grow uglier and more disconnected as they are deluged with Soviet-style apartment buildings – all for a highly questionable “emergency.”

California’s future can only get better if citizens publicly come out against Climate Action Plans and vote for pro-America/common-sense Republicans.