Ending Proxy Voting: A Call for Accountability and Transparency in the California Republican Party

Submitted By Lee DeMeo

House Republicans have officially ended the practice of proxy voting, which was established during the COVID-19 pandemic to permit lawmakers to vote without being present in-person. “No more proxy voting,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced Thursday. “Effective immediately, Members of Congress have to show up to work if they want their vote to count…”

Republicans have argued that this policy enabled abuse and permitted legislators to neglect their responsibilities. The Senate has managed to maintain in-person floor voting for the entirety of the past two years, despite the much older population and a 50-50 makeup. From the get-go, we warned that proxy voting would be misused as a means of convenience rather than as a precaution for health — and it has been, by members of both parties.

This decision by the House Republicans is a step in the right direction to ensure that our elected officials are held accountable for their actions and that the integrity of our democracy is upheld. In-person voting is a fundamental aspect of our democratic system and it ensures that our legislators are fully engaged and present when important decisions are made.

It’s time for the California State Party to follow the lead of the House Republicans and end the practice of proxy voting. This will ensure that our delegates are held accountable for their actions and that the integrity of our democratic system is upheld. Our committee members must be present and engaged in the decision-making process, and proxy voting undermines this principle.

We urge the California State Party to take action and end proxy voting. It’s time to restore transparency and accountability in our democratic system and ensure that our delegates are fully engaged and present when important decisions are made.