Bill Whittle in Ramona: An Evening of Political Insight and Discussion

Ramona, CA – The American Liberty Forum of Ramona is excited to announce the 11th appearance of Bill Whittle, author, political commentator, “Firewall,” “Right Angle,” “Bill Whittle Now,” and The event will take place on Saturday, January 28th, 2023, at the Ramona Mainstage, located at 626 Main Street in Ramona.

Doors will open at 11:00 am, with a video program starting at 11:30 am and speakers beginning at 12:00 Noon. The event will provide attendees with the opportunity to bring their questions and comments for Bill Whittle to address.

The American Liberty Forum of Ramona represents citizens committed to restoring Constitutional government at the Local, State, and Federal levels. For more information on the organization and upcoming events, please visit us online at

Join the American Liberty Forum of Ramona for an informative and engaging event.

Contact Information: The American Liberty Forum of Ramona

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