Breaking: CA Politicians to Ban All Natural Gas Appliances

Costly mandate applies to both NEW and EXISTING gas appliances in all homes and businesses – homeowners to get slapped with a $30,000 home retrofit cost to comply!

Support the Campaign to Block the Natural Gas Ban in California

Here’s what’s being proposed:

  • IMMEDIATELY: All new homes and buildings will be prohibited from putting in any new natural gas appliances – not just stoves, but all appliances such as furnaces, ovens, water heaters, etc.
  • BY DEADLINE TBD: Existing homeowners will be given a deadline to pay for expensive home retrofits to remove ALL of their existing gas appliances – all stoves, ovens, water heaters, furnaces!

Here’s how much it will cost you:

  • What will the mandatory home retrofits cost you? An average cost of $30,000 or more per home according to the Independent Budget Analyst (IBA)!
How we can fight back:

Reform California is leading the statewide opposition to this costly and crazy proposal. The campaign to block these mandates includes alerting voters in target areas, recruiting and supporting candidates for office who oppose the retrofit mandates, threatening recalls against elected officials who support the mandates, and organizing ballot measure drives to stop any new mandates from taking effect.

We were not expecting to have to fight this costly and unfair proposal – so please chip in a contribution to our campaign TODAY so we can mount effective opposition to it!