Police Investigate Hate Crime Against City View Church

On December 31st, less than 24 hours before City View Assemblies of God church in Mission Valley hosted a “Let Us Worship” event with Sean Feucht, church staff found a saddening discovery: their church campus had been vandalized, including broken glass and multiple graffiti tags of slogans stating “Queers Bash Back,” “Bigots Not Welcome,” and “Trans Rights Are Human Rights.” The police are currently investigating the vandalism as a hate crime, and Paula Whitsell, Chairwoman of the Republican Party of San Diego County, made this statement in response to this crime against City View church:

The Republican Party of San Diego County strongly condemns the vandalism of churches. Such acts of destruction and disrespect are completely unacceptable and go against American values. The right to worship freely is a fundamental aspect of American life, and we stand with those who have had their places of worship targeted by vandals.

Furthermore, the vandalism of churches is not only an attack on the religious community, but it is also an attack on the fabric of our society. Places of worship serve as important hubs for community and fellowship, and the destruction of these spaces has a ripple effect on the people who rely on them for support and guidance. It is my hope that those responsible for these hateful acts are brought to justice and that our community can continue to live in peace and harmony.

Photos by: Amy Reichert