Media Advisory: Civil Rights Activist Shane Harris to Announce His Endorsement in the San Diego County Sheriff’s Race as The Jail Deaths Issue in the County Continues to Grow and as Election Day Nears


Harris’s endorsement of John Hemmerling in the race for county Sheriff comes after Dave Myers, who was the San Diego Democratic Party’s endorsed candidate in the primary, also endorsed Hemmerling. San Diego gun violence prevention leader Bishop Cornelius Bowser has also endorsed Hemmerling. The endorsement from Harris days leading up to election is a big one that will influence constituencies as far north as Oceanside, Vista and Escondido and as far south as Southeastern San Diego and Chula Vista as well as in the City of San Diego’s District 3.

WHAT: Shane Harris who is most known as the Founder and President of the national civil rights organization the People’s Association of Justice Advocates is set to announce a big endorsement Friday in the San Diego County Sheriff’s race just days before the election and arguably the county’s most critical race because of the county leading the state with in custody mortality rates. Many voters across San Diego county are still undecided on who to support for San Diego County Sheriff. Harris’s endorsement is expected to be a major swaying factor in the days leading up to the election as it will impact votes as far north San Diego in areas such as Oceanside, Escondido, and Vista and as far south as Southeastern San Diego and Chula Vista all areas where Harris has an impact with constituencies who respect his long standing civil rights work and civic leadership. The endorsement of Hemmerling comes as a surprise as Harris, a registered democrat, will part with the county Democratic party who has endorsed Hemmerling’s opponent in the race who recently changed her party registration. Friday’s announcement will include agreements Harris and Hemmerling made on decreasing the county’s jail deaths, expanding diversity in the department’s executive levels and increasing the department’s community outreach by expanding it into a bigger division. Harris’s endorsement of John Hemmerling in the race for county Sheriff comes after Dave Myers, who was the San Diego Democratic Party’s endorsed candidate in the primary, also endorsed Hemmerling. San Diego gun violence prevention leader Bishop Cornelius Bowser has also endorsed Hemmerling.
WHEN:Friday Nov. 4,2022 at 11:00 AM
WHY: As election day nears San Diego county’s largest race is the one for county Sheriff. The next Sheriff will be elected for a six year term and will succeed former Sheriff Bill Gore after he announced his retirement earlier this year. The race is expected to be close. Harris’s endorsement is sure to bring more votes for Hemmerling in Black and minority communities as well as with independents and some democrats across the region. Friday’s announcement will include agreements Harris and Hemmerling made on decreasing the county’s jail deaths, expanding diversity in the department’s executive levels and increasing the department’s community outreach by expanding it into a bigger division.