Becca Williams: Ahead in the Polls!

I have some incredible news- a new poll just came out that has us up by 3% in the race for San Diego Unified School Board, California’s second largest district.

For a campaign that has consistently challenged the status quo and gone up against the powerful teachers’ unions pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars in this race, that is a positive result. We are holding the line against their attacks and standing strong on the issues that matter to voters.

Perhaps most importantly, the poll revealed that half of voters are still undecided.

“Williams 27%, Petterson 24%, Undecided 49%” Remington Research Survey conducted 10/19 through 10/21, margin of error is +/-4%

The survey also showed significant vulnerabilities for my opponent, Cody Petterson. When voters hear about his plans to remove police officers from our campuses and the fact he has been bankrolled by $300,000 from the teachers unions, they are more likely to vote for me… even Democrats and Independents.

That means there is a clear path to victory in this race and we have an opportunity to finally have a voice for students, families, and common-sense on the San Diego Unified School Board.

Now for the bad news—we are out of money. In order to communicate with the 49% of voters who are undecided in this race before they cast their ballot in November, we need to raise more funds.

We have the momentum on our side, a winning message, and the energy and volunteers to take this campaign to victory. We do need additional help to send mail and digital messages to voters in the final stretch of the campaign.

This is a unique opportunity at this moment in time to finally put one independent voice of reason on the San Diego Unified School Board. I would never ask you to give, without giving myself. I have dedicated the last year and a half of my life to this effort and have personally invested significant resources to fund this campaign. However, I still urgently need the backing of more San Diegans.

Please chip in with a donation of any size. There is strength in numbers!  Please donate here:

Becca Williams