Why Corey?

Written and submitted by Mary Anne

Since losing the Republican majority in San Diego County, we San Diego Republicans have adopted a somewhat defeatist attitude especially when it comes to our Republican Congressional candidates.  Oh, we go through the motions.  We attend fundraisers and rallies and even walk precincts, but behind the scenes, we quietly concede that San Diego’s going Blue and there’s darned little we can do about it except, perhaps, in the East County.  Shame on us.

It’s now 2022, and the Biden Administration has shown us exactly how quickly deep blue Progressivism* can tear apart our country… and how little American citizens like it.  For the first time in ages, polling consistently shows Republicans ahead on all major issues except abortion and even ahead in the Congressional generic poll.  It is fully expected that the Republicans will shortly take back the House.

Why should we San Diegans not expect to take back our own Congressional Delegation?  We have good candidates in Tyler Geffeney, Corey Gustafson, Darrell Issa, and Brian Maryott.  We’d be foolish in today’s environment not to give each of them our full-hearted and optimistic support, and none more so than Corey Gustafson.

Corey is a man who can win.

College teacher and businessman (he makes a tasty beer), Corey has the rare ability to speak clearly on virtually every issue while also listening to the concerns of his hoped-to-be constituents.  His particular issues – what he calls his “On Your Side Agenda” – should resonate with most of us.  More importantly, these should appeal to the San Diego electorate:

  • Term Limits:   Corey would replace “the same stale leadership that caused the cost-of-living crisis in the first place.”
  • “All the Above” Energy Solution:  Corey would “fight against job-destroying regulations, and tax hikes” and support increased domestic energy production, both renewable and traditional.
  • Balance the Budget:  Corey recognizes how a runaway government has fueled inflation and jeopardized future generations.  He would stop that spending now.
  • Right to Buy:  This is a Corey initiative that would limit if not eliminate the foreign and corporate purchases of residential properties that have increased prices beyond the resources of most individual homebuyers.  He would also offer tax incentives to those homebuyers.  He also proposes rezoning some commercial properties to allow for the construction of more housing units.
  • Reduce Rent:  Corey believes his Right to Buy initiative will also reduce rents, particularly here in San Diego.

This is an agenda most of us can get behind.  This is a candidate we should support with our words, our money, and our optimistic volunteerism.  Talk to your friends, family, and/or neighbors living in the new 50th Congressional District extending from the Coronado Strand to San Marcos with various cut-outs along the coast.  While you’re at it, remind them, too, that the current Representative (and Corey’s opponent) has voted in favor of all of Biden’s initiatives including the original Build Back Better fiasco and the unrestricted to the moment of birth abortion laws.  Peters, who pretends to be a moderate, is in fact one of the most reliable votes for the Progressive agenda.  Corey instead would vote to stop it cold.

If we…

Promote Corey.

Vote Corey.

Corey Will Win.


*A social justice/woke construct that most closely resembles 20th century fascism.