University of California San Diego Offers Record Number of Admissions

UC San Diego offered admission to a record 42,813 freshmen and transfer students for the upcoming fall quarter. While only a fraction of those admitted will attend, it’s clear that the already overcrowded UCSD campus is only going to get worse.

The university was already struggling to find housing for its current students, but UCSD students have only seen the beginning. UCSD has nearly 11,000 more students than it did a decade ago and most of this growth has been caused by out of state and international students, primarily of Chinese origin. This is a transparent ploy by the UC to promote “diversity” while at the same time bleeding out of state students dry by allowing in thousands of people who would pay more than triple the tuition.

Evidence pointing to this is the fact that ever since the state government made cuts to the UC budget, colleges have been trying to raise revenues to compensate. As a result, they have taken to recruiting out of state as a way to make money. This strategy is useful as the university predicts that this year, it will generate more money from out of state students than in the state.

UCSD is already plagued by overcrowding, but unfortunately, the university is too blinded by greed in its rush to accept international students as a way of making more money. Whether you’re a local student or out of state, one thing is sure; Everybody loses.


Photo by Brooke Cagle